
TOP-10 quotes of Minister Ryzhenkov's statement at the session of the 79th UN General Assembly


On September 28, 2024 the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maxim Ryzhenkov, spoke on behalf of the Republic of Belarus at the general political discussion of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

1. The main interest of the West is to maintain dominance on the planet and ensure the well-being of its elites. To achieve this, entire nations and resources are exploited, and the development of the rest of the world is hindered.

2. Today about 40 countries with a population of two and a half billion people are under illegal unilateral restrictive measures by the US & EU. Many have been living under their sanctions for decades and Cuba for more than half a century.

3. We need a strong & impartial organisation capable of guaranteeing a balance in the world in which no country or bloc of countries would be able to hijack the instruments to suit its own selfishness.

4. A strong organisation [UN] would not allow Ukraine to fight to the “last Ukrainian” to please transnational capital and in the interests of the collective West.

5. 10 years ago Minsk became the place of effective negotiations on conflict in Ukraine. We still offer our peacekeeping efforts. We know & understand Russians & Ukrainians better than anyone else. We are more interested in this peace than anyone else!

6. The UN should throw off the dictate of a number of states, suffering from permissiveness and their own exceptionalism. The United Nations represents all of us.

7. We believe that the urgent need of the day is to reform the UN Security Council to include the large developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. These countries are on the cutting edge of major global problems. They know best how to resolve wars and conflicts in the developing world.

8. The United Nations should adopt a principled stance on the unacceptability of unilateral measures. We have a right to expect serious and objective assessments from the Organisation on the negative impact of sanctions on the sustainable development processes that we all care so much about.

9. The path of our President Aleksandr Lukashenko and our people is based on respect, trust, sincerity, reliability and responsibility. By the way, Belarus responded to the latest package of illegal sanctions with openness and unilaterally cancelled the visa regime for citizens of all EU countries. Thousands of EU citizens have already taken advantage of this, visited our country and were not disappointed, nor did they see dictatorship anywhere.

10. Let the countries of the ‘golden billion’ channel these trillions not into unleashing and fuelling new wars and conflicts, but into solving vital human issues. The world would finally see the desire of those who call themselves hegemons to be responsible for solving, rather than creating global problems.

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